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Spillers Horse & Pony Cubes

Spillers Horse & Pony Cubes

Spillers Horse and Pony cubes are great everyday non-heating cubes, with added magnesium to promote calmer behaviour.

Price: £14.65

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o Complete Non-Heating feed
o Balanced with over 30 plus nutrients
o Ideal for horses and ponies in light to medium work
o Contains magnesium for calming
o Controlled levels of cereals and starch
o High levels of vitamin E - immune support
o Promotes all-round health and wellbeing
o Ideal for working horses and ponies

Spillers Horse and Pony cubes are non-heating with controlled low levels of cereals and starch, which are often linked to excitable and fizzy behaviour. They also contain added magnesium to further promote a cooler and calmer performance. This helps to keep a level attitude and promote controlled behaviour when working. Horse and Pony cubes are made with high quality ingredients and contain over 30 nutrients from Vitamin A to Zinc and provide a complete and balanced ration when fed at the recommended amounts. Spillers Horse and Pony cubes are the ideal feed for horses and ponies in light to medium work, providing essential controlled energy levels with all essential vitamins and minerals for overall health and wellbeing. As well as all these essential nutrients Horse and Pony cubes contain high levels of vitamin E to support the immune system and boost your horse's natural defences. These palatable cubes are perfect for many horses and ponies, ideal fed with a complementary fibre feed such as Spillers Cool Fibre for added chewing time. Store your Horse and Pony cubes in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight, pests and rodents. Multiples of this product may be delivered on a pallet. This will be indicated at checkout.