Spillers Happy Hoof
Spillers Happy Hoof is a unique, low calorie fibre blend with low levels of sugar and starch, suitable for those prone to laminitis.
Price: £17.52
• Low calorie complete feed
• Fibre blend adds chewing time
• Suitable for good doers, natives and those prone to laminitis
• Ideal feed for those at rest or in light work
• Low levels of starch and sugar
• Added mint and garlic for palatability
• Approved by the Laminitis trust
Spillers Happy Hoof is a low starch and sugar, high fibre feed, ideal for those prone to laminitis, good doers, native ponies and those in light work or at rest. The blend of short chopped fibres helps to extend chewing time relieving boredom, providing an essential mix of important fibres for good digestive health.
Happy Hoof has low calorie content making it suitable for those on a restricted diet or weight management regime. The balanced vitamins and minerals will ensure good overall health.
The added mint and garlic makes Happy Hoof very appealing and palatable for all horses and ponies. Soya oil is also included for its health benefits and to keep your horse's coat and skin in good condition.
Happy hoof is a mix of short chopped fibre and cubes for texture, providing extra chewing time and interest for your horse.
To provide your horse with their full vitamin and mineral levels feed the recommended amounts of feed as per instructions on the reverse of the bag.
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