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Schleich Vets Practise

Schleich Vets Practise

Veterinarian practice with pets - In the veterinary practice from the Schleich Farm World the vet treats every animal that comes to her.

Price: £44.99

- Dimensions: 13.77 x 12.59 x 6.69 inch (W x D x H)
- Content:-
1x vet practice, 1x vet, 1x Haflinger foal, 1x Dalmatian puppy, 1x kitten, 2x rabbit, 1x mouse, 1x dog basket, 1x blanket, 1x bowl, 1x drinking bottle, 1x feeding rack, 1x bone, 1x carrot, 1x laptop, 1x vet's case, 1x medicine bottle, 1x stethoscope, 1x syringe, 2x bandage, 4x fence, 1x sticker sheet

In the veterinary practice from the Schleich Farm World all the animal patients are lovingly treated and nursed back to health. The vet makes sure of it. She always has the right equipment ready. With the help of the X-ray image hanging on the wall, the vet can treat her patients on the examination table and quickly takes the right medication out of her doctor's case. She can also check the weight of the rabbits using her scale, and they recover quickly out on the field. Then its time for the next patient,