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Brinvale Nice N Clean Suet Pellet Plus

Brinvale Nice N Clean Suet Pellet Plus

Adding suet pellets to Brinvale original no mess bird food is a great way to provide a clean wild bird feed that offers extra energy to garden birds.

Price: £7.39

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Every ingredient that has made it into this premium mix is loved by wild birds, and has been chosen to make this mix as clean as possible. The added energy provided by the suet pellets is coveted by wild birds in colder weather when natural sources of energy are scarce, and during the breeding season when getting as much energy in as little time as possible is paramount.

Contains: Sunflower Hearts, Berry Suet Pellets, Apple Suet Pellets, Micronised Wheat and Peanut Grains

Suitable for feeding from: They can be fed from any wild bird seed feeder, a ground tray or bird table.