Korsteel Fixed Cheek Cambridge Weymouth Set
This is a horse bit for a double bridle comprising of a fixed cheek Weymouth with Cambridge mouthpiece and a single jointed eggbutt bradoon.
Price: £28.00
The Weymouth:
The Weymouth also known as the curb bit is normally used in conjunction with a bradoon. They are normally used for showing and dressage, worn with a double bridle. There are mainly two types of Weymouth's, a fixed cheek and a sliding cheek. The fixed cheek curb bit may be useful for horses that are unsure of the bit, as it doesn't move around too much in the mouth.
The first rein is connected to the bradoon and the second rein is connected to the lower ring situated on the cheek also known as the shank. When the first rein is in play only, the bradoon is mainly the bit in play. When the second rein is used the curb bit comes into action, the curb bit uses poll pressure due to the hanging cheek, the distance between the cheek ring and the mouthpiece determines the amount of poll pressure, the greater the difference the greater the poll pressure. Pressure is exerted to the corners on the mouth due to the leverage of the shanks, the longer the shanks the more pressure is used. It has a curb chain, which is brought into play when the curb bit rein is applied and generally should be adjusted to tighten in the groove of the chin when the shanks of the bit are drawn back to 45 degrees.
The Weymouth Bradoon:
The Weymouth Bradoon is normally used in conjunction with a curb bit; also known as Weymouth, they are normally used for showing and dressage, worn with a double bridle as two pairs of cheek pieces are needed.
The Bradoon should be chosen as you would choose your snaffle as it needs to work the same i.e. if you ride in a loose ring French link snaffle it is no good choosing a single jointed eggbutt bradoon.
Weymouth's and bradoons should only be introduced when your horse is already going in a consistent contact. The bradoon in conjunction with the Weymouth should be 1/4 to 1/2 longer than the curb bit in order for them both to lie comfortably in the mouth.
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