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Schleich Farm Vet

Schleich Farm Vet

Veterinarian visit at the farm - The vet needs to hurry. A calf on the farm is in urgent need of treatment. He jumps in his pickup and rushes to help.

Price: £34.99

- Dimensions: 11.02 x 4.33 x 4.13 inch (W x D x H)
- Content:-
1x pickup, 1x vet, 1x calf, 1x Labrador Retriever, 1x kitten, 1x aluminium box, 1x stethoscope, 1x bandage, 1x bowl, 1x bone, 1x tree trunk, 1x sticker sheet
A calf on the farm has sprained its foot. The vet jumps in his pickup straight away with his Labrador and the cat, and heads off to examine the calf. The vets case with medication and bandages is always in the loading bay of his pickup. He bandages the calf right away and drives it to the veterinary practice. After the X-ray it can recuperate there before being taken back to the farm.