Bed-Down Cozy Chicken Bedding
Bed-Down Cozy Chicken Bedding is made from high quality Norfolk Wheat Straw to provide a warm and cosy bed for your birds.
Price: £6.50
• Made from premium Norfolk wheat straw
• Added pine oil for a fresh hygienic bed
• Easy Breathe trademark dust extraction
• Encourages natural foraging and scratching
• Perfect for nest boxes and coops
• Provides natural insulation
• Soft and absorbent
• Fully compostable and eco friendly
• Supplied in a handy 10kg bale
Bed-Down Cozy Chicken Bedding is ideal for use not only in the nesting boxes but also in the coop. The soft chopped golden straw is absorbent and fully compostable making it environmentally friendly. It contains added pine oil known for it's natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties to support a hygienic bed.
Bed-Down Cozy Chicken has been dust extracted using the trademark Easy Breath system to remove hazardous airborne dust particals to protect your chickens delicate respiratory system. The straw also encourages natural foraging and scratching behaviour to improve wellbeing. The perfect bed for your birds!