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Gallop Trojan 100g Combo Turnout

Gallop Trojan 100g Combo Turnout

The Gallop Trojan 100g Combo Turnout rug is ideal for the cool spring/autumn weather, keeping out the chill and rain.

Price: £49.99

[Horse Rugs] 

- 600 denier ripstop outer
- 100g insulated fill
- Waterproof and Breathable
- Nylon Lining
- Cross surcingles
- Elasticated detachable leg straps
- Classic Tail Flap
- Shoulder Gusset for improved fit and comfort
- Double Chest Buckle Front Fastening
- All in one fixed neck

The Trojan 100g Combo Turnout rug is great value featuring a fixed neck and 100g fill for extra warmth and comfort. Shoulder gussets and cross surcingles improve the fit and keep the rug securely in place.

This rug is ideal for the in-between weather or simply for horses and ponies that do not need a lot of extra warmth.

Take a look at our range of Gallop turnout and stable rugs to find just what you need to keep your horse warm and comfortable all year round.